As summer is here, it means fun time is here, and you can enjoy outdoor activities with your pup. There are a few summer pet safety tips to know about your dog when you are going to be doing activities in hot weather.
As you know, these warmer days with high temperatures are perilous for your dog. Therefore, be very careful when taking your dog out for a walk or play. The scorching sun is not the only danger that your beloved dog will face during hot weather. There are other risks like chemicals and insects that your puppy will face.
10 Tips to Care Your Dog This Summer (Summer Pet Safety)
Here we will discuss summer care tips for your dog and how you can keep him happy and healthy during this warm weather.
Keep Your Dog in a Cool Place
As the warmer season approaches, look for signs of heatstroke in your dog. Even if your dog doesn’t go out in the sun, he can experience heat stress and heavy panting. If your dog suffers from heat stress, take immediate action, and prevent your dog from having dangerous health problems.
Try to keep your dog in a cool, indoor place, possibly with air conditioning or a fan. Think of this as being warm to you and not feeling right, it will be warmer for your dog with a furry coat.
Save Your Dog from the Sun
Skin cancer is an ailment that occurs in the summer season in dogs. Although their fur gives them protection from the sun’s rays, it is still essential to apply sunscreen on the least hair-covered areas after every 3-4 hours.
Apply sunscreen to your dog ears, belly, and nose and try to buy sunscreen that is made specifically for dogs because ingredients like the zinc oxide present in human products are toxic to animals.
Many pet owners trim their dog’s hair in the summer. It’s good to groom your dog in the hot summer, but be sure to leave at least an inch of fur on the dog’s body to save your dog skin from sunburn.
Water Hazards
The dog is an animal that can instinctively swim, but that doesn’t mean they can get in and out of the pool. Dogs will love jumping into the lake in the summer, but they won’t be able to get out without your help.
Teach your pooch how to get out of the pool using the stairs. Take the stairs 5-10 times with him so he can learn where the stairs are. On the other hand, a pet pool is a better option for dogs.
If you are sailing this summer, make sure your dog wears a life jacket. A dog life jacket must be of visible color so that it remains visible in an accident.
If you are boating in rivers, lakes, or streams, be aware of tides and currents as they can easily send your dog tumbling downstream. In some ponds, high algae content is present; this algae content can be harmful to your dogs and seriously ill.
Watch out for Summer Parasites
The summer season comes with ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. These parasites can cause unpleasant harm to your dog. Seek medical assistance from your vet to protect your dog from Lyme disease, heartworm, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Internal parasites like heartworm and hookworm are more common in the summer season. They can gain access to the body through dog feet. Always look for the best treatment for these parasites you can use insect repellent sprays, collars, and some botanical mixes to keep your pet safe.
Beach Tips
If you go to the beach with your fluffy pooch, look for sea lice and jellyfish, dogs are easy targets for them. Cold seawater can be very tempting for your dog.
Do not allow your dog to drink seawater, as it contains a lot of salt that can make him sick. Also, water can damage your dog’s coat. So when you arrive home back from the beach, bath your dog with fresh water.
If your dog is overweight, don’t force him to run on the beach sand because running on the beach is a strenuous exercise, and your obese dog can pull on his ligament or tendon.
Make your Garden Safe for your Dog
In the warmer season, dogs like to sit in the cold, shady spot in the garden. If you have a green garden in your house, it is better to make your place pet-friendly for your pup. Keep your yard free of toxic bushes like azalea, that can cause many problems, such as drooling, vomiting, and abnormal heart rhythm.
If you are using an insecticide and that bottle is placed in the garden, close it before your dog drinks it. Give your dog plenty of clean, freshwater, and a shady spot in the garden because, in the summer season, dogs can quickly become dehydrated. Contact your vet for further recommendations.
Travel Safely
As the summer season approaches, people like to travel to other places to have fun and go out, and they usually take their dogs with them. If you plan to go on vacation this summer, keep your dog safe from the scorching heat.
When traveling in a car with your pooch, do not park your car in a sunny area and never leave your dog. In hot climates, the temperature inside the vehicle can get to the extreme, and if you have left your pet in the car, it can suffer from heatstroke.
There are many deaths reported in the summer season when people leave their pets in the car. Similarly, if you are traveling by plane, give your dog plenty of water before boarding. If you are traveling by train, take a portable water bottle with you.
Hydrate Your Dog
In the summer, dogs need more water than usual, and a supply of clean, fresh water is necessary for dogs. You can prevent your fluffy dog from becoming dehydrated by giving him unrestricted access to cold water outside and inside the home.
There is a myth that ice cubes are dangerous to dogs, but it is wrong. Treats like frozen chicken broth and ice cubes will encourage your pet to drink more water. It’s also best to change dog food from dry to wet or canned because they have higher water content and can aid in rehydration.
According to a lot of researches in this area, home-prepared diets can also be a solution for dogs who experience food allergies. These foods contain essential minerals, vitamins, and nutrients for your pet’s health. Also, if you can add vitamin C in the water, it will help your dog overcome stress.
Protect your Dog from Antifreeze
In summer, your cars also overheat or your radiators boil, so antifreeze may be spilled. Clean it immediately, as a few drops of antifreeze can be lethal for your dog.
Look for Signs of Heatstroke
All breeds of dogs can suffer from heatstroke in hot climates, but some breeds with little faces and thick fur are more prone to heatstroke.
You should be aware of the signs of heatstroke in dogs, as this is an emergency condition and can be fatal for your dog. When you know the sign of heatstroke, you can take immediate action and protect your dog’s precious life.
Here are some critical signs of heatstroke in dogs such as:
- Excessive panting and labor breathing
- Lethargy
- Rapid heart rate
- Dull eyes
- Lack of coordination or dizziness
- Excessive drooling
- Dizziness or lack of coordination
- High temperature
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Muscle tremors
- Bright red or pale gums
- Bright red tongue some time turn blue
- Abnormal bleeding
- Collapse or Convulsion
If you see any new signs of heatstroke in your dog, you should cool him down immediately. Place your dog in a cool, shady area and offer him water.
You can spray or sprinkle a little water to lower the dog’s body temperature, but never use ice water, as it can be dangerous. Take your dog to the vet immediately to overcome other complications.
What to do if you see any Dog in heat stress this summer?
If you see a dog in a parked car, help him by following these rules. Check the car if the AC is working or not. If not, try to find the owner of the vehicle. You should take action immediately because if the temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit outside of a car, it can heat up to 100 degrees in a few minutes.
When you remove the dog from the car, look for the address on the dog tag or ID if you find any contact numbers call the owner until than comfort the dog. If you couldn’t find contact information, call animal control, or take the dog to the nearest shelter.
So you just saw a dog on a leash outside in the hot summer? First thing is to see if its owner is nearby or not. If you did not find him, then evaluate the situation that the dog is friendly or not. If the dog is warm in nature, wagging its tail or acting playful, it is okay to approach him. Set him free or tied him in any sheltered area.
If you think the dog needs water, give him cold water immediately. Try to calm the dog, pet it, give it attention, and eliminate stress. Never leave your pooch on your car be himself.
Try to avoid walking on hot asphalt to protect your pooch paws as much as possible. Some of the common symptoms like vomiting, and increased heart rate will be something to be on the look for.
Summer is a fun time for you and your dog, but there should be many things to consider protecting your dog from any mishaps. Watch your dog to see if he or she shows any signs of heatstroke, you should immediately contact your vet.
Last Updated on 10/01/2024 by Karen Snow

Hi! I’m Karen and a certified dog lover. As a freelance writer and blogger, I do my best to squeeze in some time with my dogs, learning more about the way they act and how I can make sure that they continue to stay well-cared for by yours truly.
My dogs have helped me through a lot, and this is my way of giving back to them! Besides animals, I also love to travel and cook, having explored my country’s restaurants and unique places. Follow me as I show you all the amazing tips and bits of information I learn along the way about our furry friends!