A dog’s paw pads are made up of fatty tissue covered with pigmented skin that protects them from both hot and cold surfaces, as well as providing balance and shock absorption. They seem pretty tough and get some protection from your dog’s claws but, just like human feet, they need to be cared for to avoid problems, such as matted fur, blisters on the pads, or problematic nails. Keep reading to find our what are some dry dog paws home remedies to care for your dogs paws.
Curative Paw Natural Home Remedies For Dogs (A Guide To Care For Your Dogs Paws)
There are a few paw care products that you can use to cure a dry and cracked pet paw. Before going out there and start spending money on pet products, we have put together a list of crucial things to do to prevent and cure your pooch’s sore paws using natural remedies.
No matter what the cause of cracked paws is, It takes time to heal your dogs paw with natural remedies. Overall, caring for cracked paws is totally worth your time. By applying the following paw care tips, you are going to see the results much faster.
Get your dog used to have their paws touched
Depending on your dog breed, getting dogs used to having their paws and nails touched is essential for being able to care for them. When they’re laying or sitting calmly, gently stroke their paws, starting with the fur on the top as this is the least sensitive area. This step is basic for paw protection.
Verbally reward them and move on to touching their nails and gently squeezing their pads once they seem willing to let you. Pet parenting is not easy, and you should always be looking for ways to protect your dog. An active paw interaction with natural lubricants can prevent cracking.
For some dogs, this will be almost immediately, other fearful dogs can take days or weeks to build up to letting you comfortably touch their nails and pads, so go at their pace and keep it a positive experience for them as much as possible. Once they accept you touching their paws in all areas, introduce nail clippers without using them yet so that they can get used to them.
You could even put the clippers around their nails without cutting them just so that they get used to the process. Remember to reward them plenty for good behavior. When this isn’t done, dogs can be aggressive or move so much when a vet tries to trim their nails or care for their paws that some dogs have to be sedated for it, which isn’t good for them or your wallet, making this a crucial part of their care.
Pampered pet paw massage
Giving your dog a paw massage may sound like they’re getting spoilt, but it can be an important part of their paw care. Regularly massaging their pads can also be used as a way of getting your dog used to having their paws touched.
Massage will help to improve circulation to the paws, which will keep the pads soft and help with healing and wounds or cracks they may have in this area. You can also apply lubrication with products that have natural ingredients like coconut oil or shea butter.
Rubbing a dog paw balm or moisturizer into their pads at the same time as massaging them will keep their pads soft and healthy. This is also a fantastic way of bonding with your dog and helping them to relax so that the two of you build a trusting relationship.
Claw care
A dog’s claws are the obvious part of the paws that need to be maintained as they require regular trimming. A vet or groomer can trim your dog’s nails, but you may need to do them yourself sometimes, such as if your visits to the vet or groomer are less than every 6-8 weeks.
Once you’ve got your dog comfortable with having their nails touched, the next step is finding where the quick in their nail is. Dogs like the german shepherds are sometimes born with dewclaws that the owners should consider removing to prevent serious injuries with the dog paws.
For dogs with white nails, you’ll be able to see a pinkish part that you can cut just after. This can be difficult for dogs with dark nails, so trim just a small amount off at a time to avoid any problems. Walking your dog on hard surfaces will also help to wear their nails down so that they need cutting less frequently.
Tip: Review our nail trimmers to see if you can find a fit for your pooch.
Tough, but delicate dry paw pads
Your dog’s pads are designed for dogs walking on all sorts of terrains and will naturally toughen up over time if they regularly walk on hard surfaces, such as if you on go frequent hikes together, whereas if they usually walk on grass or sand their pads will stay softer. This makes them similar to human feet in that softer pads means the dog skin is in better condition, but they’re more likely to get cut or sore when exposed to tougher terrain.
Extreme temperatures can be problematic for dogs pads too. If it’s too hot to hold your hand on the pavement for more than a couple of seconds, than it’s too hot for your dog’s pads. Cold weather can be a problem too as salt used to melt snow on the roads can burn your dog’s pads and is also toxic to them, plus snow can stick to the fur in between their toes, making it difficult to walk and causing frostbite.
Wearing dog booties can help to protect their paws, and you should regularly check their pads and apply a moisturizing paw balm to help heal and protect sore pads. HappiestDog.com notes the importance of caring for a dog’s paw pads and make balms using dog-safe ingredients that suit all sorts of pups paws problems.
Maintaining paw fur
The fur around a dog’s paws will need caring for, particularly in breeds who don’t malt and need regular trimming and brushing. If left to get too long, the fur can quickly become matted between their toes due to the friction from walking, which can make it uncomfortable or painful for your dog to walk.
You should have a set of clippers at home that you can use to trim the fur around their pads for when it gets too long. Similarly to having their nails cut, some dogs won’t like this and will need to get used to it. Consistently grooming can prevent allergy skin.
Trim the fur around each toe and the paw pad so that no fur is sitting over them as this can reduce their grip and cause them to slip and slide on certain surfaces. Combing any matted fur out is important too as it helps you to trim the fur, keeps their paws comfortable, and reduces the chance of anything getting stuck in it.
Wash their smelly feet
Some pooches are prone to having a dogs feet bad smell, which can be harmless or maybe a sign of a problem. All dogs have sweat and scent glands in their pads, which help to keep them cool but is also why dogs will kick the ground behind them sometimes as they’re spreading their pheromones.
However, sometimes a build-up can lead to a yeasty smell from between their toes or paw pads. Most often, yeast or bacteria on their feet is completely normal, and the immune system will keep the numbers in check, but sometimes it can be a sign of an infection and another problem.
Genetics plays a part in how likely your dog is to have problems with smelly feet, but food and environmental allergies also play a part, as well as overall care. Thoroughly wiping and drying their paws after they’ve been outside can help to stop bacteria from building up and avoid smells.
First aid for poorly pet paw
Dogs get small cuts on their pads or foreign objects in between their toes. Knowing how to best look after their paws in these situations will help them to heal quickly without any long-term problems. You can try applying apple cider vinegar If your dog is suffering from a yeast infection on a paw.
If you notice frequent licking or biting at their paw, it could be because they’re irritated, and this is a sign to check their paws. Common foreign objects that get wedged between their toes include foxtails, small pebbles, and broken pieces of glass.
These objects can usually be easily removed with a pair of tweezers. For cuts or dry cracked paws, rinse the area with a dog-safe wound care solution or water to remove any irritants, dirt, and bacteria and then apply a soothing paw balm or moisturizer.
Covering the area with a small bandage or bootie can prevent further injury and stops your dog from licking it and potentially irritating it further. Also, cold weather can cause your dogs paws to crack. If this happens to your pooch, try applying natural remedies like coconut oil.
Practice prevention
Prevention is crucial when it comes to curate and heal your dogs paw. Preventative steps can be taken in many areas to avoid problems with your dog’s paws. An obvious way is to your own yard clear of any debris, like broken glass, as well as any plants that are known for clinging to dogs, like pesky foxtails.
Obviously, this is more difficult to do when taking your dog out for walks in public spaces, but designated dog parks will usually be good options, or you can go to a well-maintained area. Booties are also a preventative measure, just like shoes are for your own feet and can have an outstanding positive impact on the health of your dog’s dry cracked paws in many ways.
Caring for your dog’s paws should be a part of their regular care routine, just like exercise and grooming is. A little time and attention will keep their paws in tip-top condition, and with the right information and resources, your pooch can happily trot around without any worries. Try to stay away from hot spots like a street with the hot pavement.
Ultimate Paw Care Tips for Paw Protection
- Try using mushers secret paw protection wax.
- Avoid cold weather interaction when your pooch has dry and cracked paws and noses.
- Consistently perform paw checks to have an overall idea of their paw health.
- Stay away from hot pavement rough surfaces as much as possible during the dogs walking routine.
- Once you apply a natural remedy, cover the affected area or “Your dog licks his paws”.
- Claw care will contribute to maintaining your dog paws healthy.
- If your pooch catches a paw infection, take him to a veterinary care facility.
- Apply moisture on all pads, including digital pads, carpal pads, metacarpal pads, and dewclaw pads.
- Always have antibacterial wash soap available to clean your pups paws.
- Try to avoid licking or chewing on the wounded paw.
- Consider using dog boots on top of the covered paw if the ground is too hot.
- Preventing injuries is the best remedy to protect your dog paws.
Dog Paws Remedies Summary
Cold weather is one of the main causes of dry cracked paws and noses on dogs. Your active dogs feet suffer from daily wear and tear. Adding un-natural activities could worsen the situation. That is why prevention plays a crucial role in keeping your dog paws in good shape.
If your dog has irritated paws, try to avoid direct contact with rough surfaces and hot pavement. Also, untreated cracked paws can cause a slight dog behavior change. That is why it is imperative for dog owners to start caring for cracked paws as quickly as they can.
Pet safety should be the number one top concern of all pet owners. Therefore, you should stop the dogs walking routine as soon as you notice cracked dog paws. Apply just a little tiny bit of petroleum jelly and monitor the progress. If the issue persists, try natural coconut oil for dog.
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, every pet owner should consult the dogs health condition with veterinary professionals prior to resuming any running activities. We have other healthy dogs training tips, cleaning your dogs teeth, and paw care tips in the recent post section of our blog.
Last Updated on 28/07/2020 by Karen Snow

Hi! I’m Karen and a certified dog lover. As a freelance writer and blogger, I do my best to squeeze in some time with my dogs, learning more about the way they act and how I can make sure that they continue to stay well-cared for by yours truly.
My dogs have helped me through a lot, and this is my way of giving back to them! Besides animals, I also love to travel and cook, having explored my country’s restaurants and unique places. Follow me as I show you all the amazing tips and bits of information I learn along the way about our furry friends!