How To Care For Your New Dog: 10 Easy Ways To Do So

As dog owners, you will need to be conversant with these tips on how to care for your new dog to make your canine friend feel at home. The first couple of days that your new puppy spends in at your place are the most important of all its days.

The dog would expect a lot from you hence the need to step up your pet game. It’s emotional and physical requirements need to be taken care of. It should also be provided with nutritious food, shelter, lots of water and safety.

10 Ways On How To Care for Your New Dog

Take care of adult dogs without a vet

Most dogs will require a few basic dog care items to ensure their well-being and happiness. Firstly, provide them with a nutritious diet tailored to their specific needs, as it plays a crucial role in their overall health. Additionally, regular exercise is essential to keep them physically fit and mentally stimulated.

If you just brought your puppy home from an animal shelter, then it’s important to schedule a visit to the veterinarian for a thorough check-up and vaccinations. This will help prevent any potential health issues and ensure your new dog starts off on the right foot.

Additionally, your dog’s life will be enriched by providing them with regular mental stimulation, such as interactive toys or puzzle games, to keep their minds sharp and prevent boredom. It is also important to establish a consistent routine for your dog, including regular feeding times and designated potty breaks, to help them feel secure and maintain good behavior.

#1. Provide a cozy bed

Before your new friend gets used to the new environment, she is likely to spend a lot of time cuddled up in a corner that you set her in. Ensure therefore that she is as comfortable as possible. A dog bed represents a safe and comfortable space for them to rest and sleep.

Dogs are very susceptible to different weather elements such as hot summers and cold winters. These weather elements can result in the death of your dog in extreme cases. All these misfortunes can be averted by providing an appropriate sleeping place.

Do not keep your doggy all locked up in its cage or kernel when it is cold or very hot outside. The place you choose as the sleeping place should be near family members (if any). It can also be where the dog can see you so that she can get used to her new family.

#2. Savory meals are a necessity

As you bring your new pooch home, pass by the pet store and bring along the tastiest high-quality dog food that you can find. Ensure you carefully read the feeding instructions on the back first. Following these instructions will ensure that you do not underfeed or over feed the new pet.

The food you buy should correspond to the age of the dog. If you have an adult pooch or a puppy, the food has to be rated according to their ages. Do check if there is a statement by the Association of American Feed Control Officials on the pack.

Consequently, if the previous owner fed the dog a different kind of food, you can offer this type for some time. An abrupt change in the eating habits can possibly cause diarrhea. Gradually introduce him to the new food until he is used to it.

After meals, water should be given in plenty. This makes digestion easy and prevents constipation. Choose a spot to place a clean bowl of water. This ensures that the dog knows exactly where to find water even if you are not around.

#3. A stroll in the back should be a routine

Taking your dog for morning or evening walks is encouraged for good physical development. The frequency and duration of walks depend on the size of your dog. Small sized dogs get tired rather quickly and are therefore suited for less gruesome tasks.

More energetic dogs need longer walks for increased number of times in a week. This ensures that all that excess energy is burnt out. There is a certain breed that never tires no matter the amount of exercises and walks you give them. If you have such, then you should look for ways of ensuring appropriate exercises.

Excess energy leads to unwanted behavioral changes such as excessive barking, chewing or digging on floors. When taking the dog for walks, do not forget his leash. That would be really damn if you did so. A canine friend would attempt to escape from you when left free.

If you intend to allow the dog to stroll freely on your yard, make sure that the yard is fenced. This is to confine the dog’s movements and prevent escape attempts.

#4. An obedient dog should be rewarded with treats

Just staying in the house all day can get a new furry friend bored, just like human beings. The dog needs mental stimulation at times. This can be achieved by training your dog on essential obedience habits you would like it to have.

Reward based obedience training gives perfect reliable results. When she performs a trick correctly, you provide recognition of these efforts by giving her a good treat. She then is able to know that she did the right thing.

These training sessions allow you and the dog to bond during the one on one sessions. You get to know each other better. As you give the dog treats, remember not to overfeed her. You do not want your furry friend suffering from obesity this early in your friendship.

#5. Arrange for visits to the vet’s office regularly for preventative care

As a new or seasoned dog owner, you have to keep your pooch in top shape health wise. If you have never owned a pooch previously, then it best if you choose a very qualified vet to take care of your new furry canine friend.

To know whether the vet can be trusted is an issue but you can ask random questions and gauge how easily and fluently she answers them. Preferably, you can look for a vet who operates throughout the day and on weekends.

You never know when your dog might develop complications. During these visits, ensure your dog is regularly vaccinated against common diseases in the locality.

Your dog should be vaccinated against rabies even if it is not a statutory requirement in your locality. The vet should also provide you with treatments against parasites, depending on the life style the dog will be staying under.

#6. Learn proper grooming techniques

A growing puppy will start to demand extra puppy care as it transitions into adolescence. It is important to continue teaching them good hygiene habits, such as regular brushing, nail trimming, and bathing.

Long haired breeds also need care and the coat type will determine the frequency of grooming required. It is advisable to consult a professional groomer or research specific grooming needs for your dog’s breed.

Furthermore, regular grooming sessions not only keep your puppy looking their best but also help maintain their overall health and prevent any potential skin or coat issues. Your dog’s nails need to be trimmed regularly to prevent them from becoming too long and causing discomfort or potential injury.

#7. Apply reward based training when you notice good behavior

Potty training is one of the first things you are going to teach your puppy. It is important to establish a routine and be consistent with it. Remember to praise and reward your puppy every time they successfully use the designated potty area.

Other dogs that come from a responsible breeder will likely have already started their training, but it is still important to continue reinforcing great behavior. Consistency and positive reinforcement will help your puppy understand what is expected of them.

Also, be patient and understanding, as accidents may happen during the training process. Teach him how to use the dog’s collar with gentle guidance and reward-based techniques. Remember to always prioritize your puppy’s comfort and safety.

Use positive reinforcement training methods such as treats, praise, and playtime to reward your puppy for using the designated potty area. Moreover, establish a consistent schedule for bathroom breaks to help your puppy develop a routine. With time and patience, your puppy will become fully potty trained and understand where they should go to relieve themselves.

#8. Allow your puppy to have proper socialization

Your new family member needs to be social and needs to interact with other dogs and people in order to develop good social skills. You can accomplish this by bringing your puppy to puppy classes, setting up play dates with other amiable dogs, and exposing them to various environments and circumstances.

Both you and your new puppy will enjoy long walks in the park, where they can encounter different sights, sounds, and smells. This will help them become more confident and adaptable in different situations, ultimately leading to a well-rounded and sociable companion.

#9. Teach your puppy good manners and positive interactions with other animals

You can take your dog to the nearest dog park so you can start teaching him or her positive social interaction with other pets. If your dog shows behavioral issues, then it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

A good dog will start noticing the positive effects of socializing with other animals and will become more well-behaved and balanced as a result. Most puppies will visit the vet more than once during their first year of life, so it’s important to schedule regular check-ups to ensure their overall health and well-being.

#10. Address any health problems of your adult dogs with veterinary care

Any health issues with your new pup should also be addressed promptly with veterinary care. Regular check-ups and vaccinations are essential to ensuring the overall well-being of your furry friend throughout their life.

Dental care is crucial because as your puppy grows into an adult dog, tartar and plaque can build up on their teeth, leading to gum disease and other oral health concerns. Regular brushing and professional cleanings can help prevent these problems and keep your dog’s teeth healthy.

Additionally, your veterinarian will get your pet fully vaccinated and provide you with important information on how to prevent common diseases and parasites. They can also offer guidance on nutrition and exercise to help maintain your dog’s optimal health.

Should You Get Pet Insurance For Your New Puppy?

Learn proper puppy care before you bring your new puppy home

As your dog grows you will notice how veterinary care becomes an essential part of their overall well-being. Pet insurance can provide financial assistance in covering unexpected medical expenses, ensuring that your puppy receives the necessary care without putting a strain on your budget.

Additionally, with dog ownership comes the responsibility of providing for their health and well-being. Pet insurance can give you peace of mind, knowing that you have a safety net in case of emergencies or unforeseen issues.

Your dog’s mental health is also important because it can affect their overall quality of life. Insurance can cover behavioral therapy or counseling sessions if your puppy is experiencing anxiety. Make sure they are up-to-date with their shots or vaccines to prevent the risk of infectious diseases.

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor their overall health and detect any potential issues early on. Plus, providing a balanced diet and regular exercise can contribute to their physical well-being and help prevent obesity-related health problems.

What Kind Of Dog Training Techniques Should You Use?

You will develop a stronger bond with your new puppy when you start training them using positive reinforcement techniques. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding your puppy for decent behavior, such as giving them treats or praise when they successfully follow a command.

The reward based training method not only helps in teaching them obedience but also builds trust and confidence between you and your furry friend. Additionally, incorporating consistency and patience into your sessions will ensure that your puppy learns effectively and enjoys the process of learning new commands.

Establish a daily routine for house training and stick to it, taking your puppy outside at regular intervals to eliminate any accidents indoors. Consistency in your routine will help your puppy understand where and when they should go potty, making the house training process smoother and faster.

Growing puppies tend to pass through a learning curve where they may have accidents despite consistent training. It’s important to remain patient and continue reinforcing positive behaviors to help them overcome this phase. Remember, every puppy is unique and may require different amounts of time and effort to fully grasp house training.

What Type Of Food Should You Get For Your Dog?

There are tons of options when it comes to dog food. Puppy food is recommended for dogs that are still growing and developing, as it contains essential nutrients for their development. Adult dog food is suitable for dogs that have reached their full size and are no longer growing.

Additionally, there are specialized dog foods available for dogs with specific dietary needs or health conditions, such as grain-free or hypoallergenic options. It is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the best type of food for your dog based on their age, size, breed, and any specific health considerations.

Your puppy’s diet will require you to do research on some quality food to prevent any potential deficiencies. It is also crucial to establish a feeding schedule and portion control to maintain a healthy weight for your growing puppy. Also, introducing a variety of foods and flavors can help prevent picky eating habits and ensure they receive a balanced diet.

Adult dog food is also available for those dogs who have reached their full growth and no longer require the specialized nutrition of puppy food. Utilizing water bowls and pet feeders can help you easily manage your puppy’s feeding routine and ensure they have access to fresh water at all times.


These techniques on taking care of your new canine companion are mandatory for all dog owners out there. The changes in lifestyles might affect the dog in one way or another. The key is to be patient with her and treat her rightly (punishments do worsen the situation).

Just be compassionate, and you will soon realize what a great friend you have just made. When you treat your new dog right, she will stay loyal to you for the longest time possible.

In case you were having trouble or had no idea on how to take of your new friend, I hope this article has shed some light on how you are supposed to go about it.

Your small children will love puppies because they are cute, playful, and can provide endless entertainment. Puppies also teach children valuable lessons about responsibility, empathy, and compassion as they learn to care for and nurture their furry friends.

Last Updated on 14/02/2024 by Karen Snow

1 thought on “How To Care For Your New Dog: 10 Easy Ways To Do So”

  1. blank
    tyler johnson

    I’m glad that you mentioned that you should take your dog to get vaccinated. I have never had a dog before, so I had no idea that they would have that sort of thing. My wife and kids all want a dog, so if I get one, I’ll have to make sure I find s good vet to take it to as well.

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