Do you own a cat or are interested in buying one? Do you want to keep your cat in a very healthy state? If yes, then, this article is one you have to read. It contains surprising and straightforward tips to help you keep your cat in a good state of health without going through so many struggles. Keep reading to learn how to raise a happy and healthy cat.
What Nutrients Do Your Cats Need
Humans need to feed well to be healthy. They, however, are not the only living things that need to feed well. Cats also need to feed well if they must be healthy. With this in mind, as a cat owner, you will need to know the exact nutrients your cat needs to be healthy.
A lot of cat owners feed their cats with commercial pet foods. This is good. It, however, is not good enough. Beyond feeding your cat with commercial pet food, you have to ensure that every pet food you buy is of high quality. When you feed your cats with high-quality pet foods, they will not struggle to have access to the nutrients that they need for healthy existence.
Should you give cat treats to your loved one? Beyond just feeding your cats with healthy pet foods, you must know the various classes of nutrients that cats need to survive. As a cat owner, you need to find out the right amount of food and water that your cats and dogs need. Here are some of these essential nutrients:
Vitamins play the role of catalysts for the actions of enzymes. For cats to carry out their regular metabolic functions, they need to consume a dose of vitamins. These vitamins can be gotten in the form of supplements or through balanced diets.
If you continuously feed your cats on complete diets, there will be no point in giving them vitamin supplements. You can, however, provide them with vitamin supplements if they have special vitamin needs because of a deficiency. In the absence of a defect, the excessive consumption of vitamins can lead to poisoning.
Beyond needing vitamins, cats also need minerals for healthy teeth and bones. Cats are unable to synthesize minerals. This implies that all minerals they will have access to must come from supplements or diet.
Cats need a good source of carbohydrates as their tissues get energy from it. Beyond providing their tissues with energy, carbohydrates are necessary for reproduction and keep their intestine healthy. Be careful with the amount of carbohydrates that you feed your indoor cat.
For cats to be healthy, they do not need to meet a minimum carbohydrate requirement. They, however, need to take a certain quantity of glucose to be healthy. This is because sensitive organs such as the brain depend on a certain amount of glucose for energy.
Fats might not be famous for producing energy. They, however, provide cats with more energy than carbohydrates. They play a role in the production of hormones and are essential for cell structure. Furthermore, fats are needed for fat-soluble vitamins to be absorbed and utilized.
That’s not all. The internal organs in a cat’s body are protected by fat. It is impossible for cats to produce essential fatty acids. Due to this, whatever they are fed with must contain essential fatty acids.
Amino Acids
Cats need amino acids in large quantities. There are two types of amino acids. They are essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids. The body of a cat is able to produce non-essential amino acids in the right quantity. You, therefore, do not need to feed your cat with meals that contain them. On the other hand, it is impossible for cats to synthesize essential amino acids. They, therefore, have to be supplied through diets.
This is the most critical nutrient you can feed your cat. Some of this can be gotten from cat food. However, for your cat to get the quantity of water its body needs, you will have to provide it with fresh water regularly. If a cat is not given the amount of water, it needs to survive, and it could die. As a pet owner, you need to keep providing your cat with fresh water constantly.
Hormones, cells, enzymes, organs, antibodies, and tissues are built by proteins. Cats can get proteins from various sources. Some of them are plant-based, while others are animal-based. Ensure that you are feeding your kitten the right amount of proteins necessary according to your vet’s instructions. Healthy kitten food can contribute to their happiness and reduce the chances of any health issues in the future.
Weaning a Kitten
Feeding a cat the right way might not be so difficult. The same, however, cannot be said about feeding a kitten. Kittens are fed with milk for a long time. They, however, will need to transition from being fed with milk to eating regular foods, and this can become a challenge.
As soon as a kitten is newly born, if its mother is alive, it should feed on its mother’s milk for four weeks. On the occasion that its mother does not produce milk in the right amount or it is an orphan, you should feed it with a commercial milk replacer.
After being fed with milk for a reasonably long while, kittens have to move from taking milk to taking solid food. This occurs in a process known as weaning. In ideal circumstances, it is the job of a mother cat to handle weaning. However, in situations in which the kitten you are taking care of does not have a mother, you will be responsible for weaning the kitten. Weaning should begin when the kitten is four weeks old. It usually lasts for about six weeks.
More tips for kittens
A kitten is ready to feed on solid food when it can stand and has its eyes open. Weaning should not be done suddenly. If a baby kitten or cat is taken away from its mother abruptly, it could have an adverse effect on the kitten’s health. It could also affect the ability of the kitten to socialize. Such things as playing, eating, and using the litter box are learned when kittens observe their mother.
As the kittens approach four weeks old, you should not separate them from their mother totally. They should be isolated from their mothers for a couple of hours. This way, they will gradually become less dependent on their mothers. While taking a kitten away from its mother, you should provide it with its own litter box, water bowl, and food.
Taking Care of Senior Cats
As cats start getting to seven years, they start showing signs of aging. Some do not show signs of aging until they are 12 years old. Their bodies begin to undergo some changes. Some of these changes can be adequately managed when a cat is fed the right diet. Others cannot be avoided.
To ensure that your cat stays healthy as it begins to age, there are things you have to do. They begin feeding it with a diet made for seniors once it is about seven years old. Every meal that you feed a senior cat has to be targeted at preventing the rise of chronic diseases, maintaining its body weight, and keeping it in good pet health. Furthermore, you should avoid putting your cat through stressful situations.
How to Deal with Overweight Cats
Humans always have to deal with obesity. They, however, are not alone on this one. Cats also deal with obesity. And just like humans, it is a significant challenge. When a cat is overweight, it usually has a considerable effect on its overall health. Pain in the joints, liver problems, etc. are some of the challenges faced by cats that are obese.
There are lots of reasons cats get overweight. Famous among them is when a cat’s energy consumption is more than the energy that it uses up. When this occurs, the energy left unused gets stored as fat in the cat’s body. As soon as a cat gets obese, it might continue to be overweight even when it does not extend to feed as much as it used to.
To prevent your cat from getting overweight, you will need to ensure that it does not overheat. Also, it should exercise regularly. Purchase a scratching post or other cat toys to incentivize different exercises to reduce any obesity or other cat health issues. Try laser pointers to get them going.
Preventing Obesity in Cats
Instead of waiting for a cat to get obese and then trying to get its weight back to normal, it is best to prevent obesity. To prevent obesity, you should continuously assess your cat’s body. Its backbone should not be far from its skin. Also, you should be able to feel its ribs. As soon as it becomes difficult to grasp its ribs without the need to press it, you can be sure that it is getting too fat.
When you look at your cat from the top, you should notice a waist between its hips and the end of its rib cage. Furthermore, when you look at it from the side, you should notice an indentation in its tummy. Cats get overweight because they take in more calories than they use up.
As soon as you notice your cat is overweight, you will need to get it back to a healthy weight. You should not do this alone. Work alongside a veterinarian to find out what your pet’s caloric intake is. This should be followed by choosing the food you feel is suitable and finding out the cost of getting this food.
In addition, feeding your cat with the right diet is imperative. Also, they should increase physical activity after six months. Doing this will allow your cat to lose weight and also maintain its new weight without any noticeable struggles. Ask a veterinary medicine expert if there is a special diet for your cat breed.
Would it help to spay or neuter my cat?
According to the Humane Society of the United States, spaying and neutering your pets is extremely important for all pet owners to consider because it can contribute to their overall long term animal welfare. It not only contributes to your cat happy life but also reduces the overpopulation of homeless animals. More so, it can also help reduce bad cat behavior. Talk to your local veterinary or visit a pet care center for more information.
Wrapping It Up
Making sure that your kitten is drinking water is crucial to a healthy and happy cat life. Cleaning up your cats litter box is also extremely important. More so, keeping your cat indoors for the first six months will reduce the chances of them getting a virus or bacteria when chasing a pet rat or other animals.
Talk to your veterinary about the benefits of spaying and neutering your cat. A friendly cat and the overall pet behavior will depend on how the cat was raised. All the above mentioned healthy cat care tips will add value and help you raise a happy kitten.
Humane societies websites are always a good source of information for both cat and dog breeds. Please share your success stories by commenting in the box below. So long, to all happy cat owners and hope that you found the article helpful.
Last Updated on 01/08/2023 by Karen Snow

Hi! I’m Karen and a certified dog lover. As a freelance writer and blogger, I do my best to squeeze in some time with my dogs, learning more about the way they act and how I can make sure that they continue to stay well-cared for by yours truly.
My dogs have helped me through a lot, and this is my way of giving back to them! Besides animals, I also love to travel and cook, having explored my country’s restaurants and unique places. Follow me as I show you all the amazing tips and bits of information I learn along the way about our furry friends!