Thinking Of Getting a Cat? – 10 Tips Cat Owners Need to Know

Whether it is your first time getting a cat or a pet, you need to know that cats’ have a unique nature. They may not show it or express it, but they love their owners and miss them terribly when they are out.

Cats are adorable creatures that can fill your life with happiness. But is that the only role your cat plays in your life? A cat is not just a pet that is there for you to play with. A cat comes with a lot of responsibilities.

10 Things To Be Aware Of Before Getting A Cat

Things to Know before you bring your cat home

To love a cat, and get their love in return, you must accept them for who they are. Accept their nature, their mood swings, and their habits. Once you do that, it will be much more fun for you to be around your cat. Here are some tips for all the people who are thinking of buying a new cat!

#1. Cats Have a Unique Personality

Like we have mentioned already, cats have their own unique personality and characteristics which make them very different from dogs. A major mistake dog owners make is that they expect their cats to act the same when they are so very different.

Cats are dependent, as compared to dogs who need a little more affection.  Cats are also very moody. Sometimes they will refuse to eat at all and sometimes they will not stop asking for more food. If you come back from work, and your cat doesn’t greet you, don’t be worried. It is just the way your cat is going to be. Despite that, know that your cat loves you very much!

#2. See If Your Cat Has Respiratory Conditions

When you finally get a cat, you will need to consider its likes and dislikes. What type of food will it prefer? Where will it like to sleep and spend its time?

Some cats have an allergic reaction to certain things. Some cats can be asthmatic. If the cat you get has breathing issues like asthma, you should think of getting litter for asthmatic cats. Due to airborne dust, many doctors do not recommend getting a clay-based litter for cats as it can worsen their respiratory condition.

#3. Decide Which Cat You Want To Get

If you have decided to get a cat, your work is not down yet. The next step is to decide which cat you want to get. Which breed of cat do you want? Do you want to buy a cat or adopt it from a shelter? Do you want a kitten or a mature cat? These factors will help you in deciding what cat you need to get for yourself.

A mature cat will not need much time or training because it would have likely spent most of its life with an owner already. A kitten will have different demands; it will be more fragile and venerable. It will need shots and vaccinations if it is small.

It will also need to get trained, which demands time. In short, a kitten looks cuddly and cute, but it will be harder to keep for a while. Every breed of cat is different not only in its appearance but in its nature as well. Most likely, this factor will depend on your budget because cat prices vary according to their breeds.

#4. Parasite Control of An Adult Cat

For your cat’s health as well as yours, you need to clean your house and backyard before you take in a cat. Cats’ fur is susceptible to fleas and lice, and it can get very uncomfortable for the cats. These fleas can cause bigger issues like skin infections and internal infections. Not only that, but cat fleas can be harmful to you as well.

The best way to prevent any nuisance is by using pesticides and such chemicals to do a thorough cleansing of your house. Keep your cat’s bedding clean by washing and drying it. Vacuum your carpet and furniture regularly.

Use a monthly dosage of parasite control so your cat can stay safe. One flea can quickly multiply into thousands in the matter of a few days, so take all the precautionary measures you can.

#5. Cats Require Constant Grooming

You can’t keep a cat and leave it to fend for itself. A cat needs to be washed and groomed just like us. Even if your cat hates water, you have to bath it. Otherwise, it can catch ticks. You will need to brush your cat from time to time, so get a special cat brush/comb. Cats also have their own shampoos which you should get immediately.

You don’t want your entire house to drown in cat hair. Brushing your cat from time to time will also help eliminate the unwanted shedding. Brushing will also make your cat feel good as they enjoy the feel of the brush running through their fur.

#6. Understand That It Is a Life-Long Responsibility

Some people take in a cat as a hobby and don’t consider all the responsibilities that come with it. Something you need to realize before purchasing a cat is that you will have to make sure that all of its needs are fulfilled. Once you realize this, you have to acknowledge it.

You can’t leave your cat alone for a long time so you will have to make changes in your schedule if it is going to be a busy day. Otherwise, you can get a friend or a family member to stay with your cat while you are away.

A cat is going to be like your child who will need to go to the doctor because it will get sick. You will have to spend time training, and that means all the work will take over half of your life.

Cat is a fantastic pet to have in your home. It will need you as much as you will need it. Before you get your cat, have a look at these tips, so your experience with your cat is elevated.

#7 Teach Your New Car How To Use A Litter Box

Your furry feline friend needs to learn how to use a cat litter box to avoid accidents inside your new home. Cat ownership comes with tons of responsibilities, and it’s important to train your cat to use the litter box for their own comfort and your peace of mind.

A litter tray can be beneficial for an older cat because it may have difficulty accessing an outdoor area. Long-haired cats that have been litter-trained will have an easier time keeping their fur clean and free from matting.

Your new baby will use the litter box to relieve themselves, which helps maintain a clean and odor-free environment in your home. Additionally, using a litter box can prevent your cat from digging and soiling other areas of your home, saving you from unnecessary cleaning and potential damage to your furniture or carpets.

#8 Understand Which Cat Food Is Good For Your New Kitty

Many cats enjoy wet food because it is easier to chew and has a higher water content. However, some other cats may prefer dry food due to its crunchiness and convenience. Ultimately, the decision of whether to feed your new kitty wet or dry food should be based on their individual preferences and dietary needs.

Understanding what a cat needs to eat is part of the cat care process and can help ensure their overall health and well-being. It is important to provide a balanced diet that includes essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals.

#9 Your New Cat or Kitten Deserves To Have Fun

Most cats like to be playful and active, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of toys and activities. Human interaction is very important for your senior cat as well. Engaging in interactive play sessions with your cat not only helps keep them physically stimulated but also strengthens the bond between you two.

Additionally, consider providing scratching posts or climbing trees to fulfill their natural instincts and keep them entertained. Consider getting a cat tree or some interactive toys that can keep your cat mentally engaged, such as puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys. These types of toys can provide physical and mental stimulation and help prevent boredom in your cat, which can lead to destructive behaviors.

#10 A First Time Cat Owner Needs To Be Aware of Their Cat’s Health Issues

Adult cats tend to change their natural behaviour as they age, so it is important for a first-time cat owner to closely monitor their cat’s behavior and consult with a veterinarian if any changes occur that may indicate a health issue.

A cat scratches their owners when they are feeling stressed, anxious, or overstimulated. It is important for a first-time cat owner to understand that scratching is a natural behavior for cats, and providing appropriate scratching posts and toys can help redirect their behavior.

Additionally, regular nail trims can also help minimize the risk of accidental scratches. Consistent stimulation is one of the most important things you need to understand before you take a kitten home. As new family members, they need to get accustomed to any other animals that form part of the household, as well as the overall environment.

This gradual introduction can help prevent stress and anxiety in cats, reducing the likelihood of scratching incidents. Additionally, observing any changes in your cat’s scratching behavior, such as excessive scratching or avoiding certain surfaces, could be a sign of discomfort or underlying health issues that may require veterinary attention.

Indoor cats vs Outdoor cats: Understanding Their Main Differences

Ensure your cats protection before adopting it as a new family member

Keeping your cat indoors will be beneficial only if you provide them with enough physical activity and exercise. Not all cats are capable of adapting to a new environment and may become stressed or anxious if forced to live exclusively indoors.

Indoor cats are relatively low-maintenance compared to outdoor cats because they have a reduced risk of getting into fights, contracting diseases, or being injured. Other pets will have some territorial issues with your new cat, and it may take some time for them to adjust and establish their own territories.

Cat-proofing your home can be a great way to ensure the safety and well-being of your new feline friend. Building a water fountain that dispenses fresh water can encourage your cat to stay hydrated and promote better overall health.

Bringing home a kitten can be a great, fun, and exciting time for your family, but it is also important to prioritize their safety and well-being. Bring home new kittens can introduce new challenges and responsibilities.

Last Updated on 20/12/2023 by Karen Snow