What Can Cats Eat Besides Cat Food? – Human Foods Cats Can Eat

Some of us might give in to the bewitching kitty looks they give us when we are eating. Some of the human foods cats and we eat are okay and safe for cats to them while others can wreak havoc to their digestive systems. Being knowledgeable about “what can cats eat besides cat food” is critical. This article will outline all that you need to know.

Do you have a cat at home? If you do then you must agree with me that these adorable little creatures are also the sneakiest and cleverest around. Do not even get started on their curiosity. They always want to copy everything we humans do. This includes wanting a bite of anything you are eating.

Did you know that some human food is perfect your kitty? The converse is also true. Here is a brief outline of such foods that you can safely feed to your cat, feed in moderation, avoid feeding and never attempt to.

What Can Cats Eat Besides Cat Food? – Common Human Foods That Have Nutritional Benefits For Cats

What human foods can your feed your cat as pet parents

There are a good number of foods that cats can eat apart from cat food. Although cat food is specifically made to suit many cat foods and their digestive and nutritional needs, there are other foods from your dining table that are great additions to your cat’s diet.

However, care should be taken NOT to feed the cat entirely on human food. They should be given in controlled amounts under the supervision of your vet. Your cat’s primary meals should regularly be given too.

Can cats eat Fish? Sure!

Cooked or canned fish is always recommended for your cat’s daily calorie intake. In fact, most of the wet foods for cats are fish-based. The strong smell of fish is a real drawer for cats. Fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This nutrient contributes immensely to a cat’s health.

It contributes to the well-being of the cat’s visual system (eyes). Well-Developed eyesight is a necessity for an outdoor cat. Watch and control the amount of fish you feed the cat on. The cat would otherwise become a fish junkie.

Feeding the cat on too much fish also results in a condition called yellow fat disease. This arises due to too much feeding on Vitamin E deficient fish. To avoid this, limit the number of times you give fish to your cat. This can be during training or as a special treat for decent behaviors.

Can cats eat Rice? Yes!

Rice is classified under the sure to feed category. This means that you can go ahead and give your Kitty some of that rice you are having. The benefits of all the nutrients your kitty will get are limited though. Although rice has no effects on cats, there is no need to feed him on rice when he is of sound health.

Rice can be a relief to a cat suffering from gastrointestinal problems. A meal of pure cooked rice or one mixed with other food such as chicken helps the cat to recover from any such problems. If the cat is new to rice meals, do a food trial first before giving him a full plate.

Ensure your cats does not feed on uncooked rice. The lectin in it is often bad for your kitty’s health. There are also suggestions that rice depletes the cat’s body of taurine.

Can cats eat Carrots? Yes!

Cats will readily eat carrots, more so if it is cooked or boiled. It is not only rabbits who are fond of this vegetable. Some commercial cat foods that you normally buy at the supermarket contain carrots as one of the ingredients. Not only do cats love them, but carrots are also beneficial to a kitten’s coat health, too. It improves the luxurious feel of her fur. Who wouldn’t love that really.

The vitamin A rich kitten food also maintains a healthy cat vision. This is achieved in conjunction with beta carotene. Additionally, this is not like the famous vision improvement in us humans though. The carrots should be fed with cooked meat, and not raw. Raw carrots might choke the cat accidentally and is also hard to chew.

Can cats eat raw Meat & Fish? In moderation!

Can, but should be fed raw meats in moderation and with lots of care. Just as dogs, cats can also eat raw meat. After all, they catch rats and mice once in a while and do not boil them. Or do they? Some cats may not eat meat that is not their prey.

The raw meat should be fresh and warm before serving it to your cats. Some cats may be intolerant to frozen or spoilt meat. The meat is good for the development of strong cat teeth and gums.

Raw or fish oil, on the other hand, should be given in moderate amounts. When in excess, it can lead to gastrointestinal upsets. Raw fish also contains thiaminase which degrades the vitamin B in cats.

Can cats eat Beef? Sure!

Beef is rich in amino acids and it is good for feline consumption

They can. Cats are carnivorous by nature hence beef is their thing. Most of the proteins cats may need are provided by beef. Protein-Laden meat is good for the development of a healthy heart. This is essential for a hyperactive cat as blood flows with ease throughout the body, enriching it with nutrients.

Plus, the Proper vision which is a necessity for many cats, is facilitated by the action of proteins present in the body. An outdoor cat may need this more than one that stays mostly indoors. Good vision comes in handy as it hunts for mice in the dark.

The cat’s reproductive system stays healthy when an adequate supply of proteins is ensured. However, do not make your cat some sort of waste bin by feeding him spoilt meat. This makes your cat sick. The rule is if it’s not good for you, then it isn’t for your cat.

Can cats eat Strawberries? Sure!

But in moderation with care. According to research, strawberries are generally non-toxic to cats. The beneficial nutrients that they derive from eating them range from very small to non-existent. As carnivores, cats tend to need more proteins in their balanced diet.

Some folks may argue that it contains antioxidants, well it has them though the cat will have to eat a whole of them to enjoy any of the benefits derived from them.

Strawberries also contain a huge sugar count in them. This when uncontrolled, provides certain health problems for your cat. This renders the gain of anti-oxidants irrelevant. To alleviate any potential complications, including diarrhea, feed only a small amount of strawberries to your cat.

Can cats eat Chocolate? Never!

Not a chance. Cats must never be fed on chocolate. This delicacy may be the most appealing to your taste buds, but it is really toxic to cats. The cat’s curiosity may drive it to sniff it a little, but she should not be allowed to have a bite. Chocolate is rich in caffeine, theobromine, and sugars.

It is the sole cause of chocolate poisoning in cats. It can also be found in dogs, mice cooked fish, and even humans. The consequences of chocolate in cats include diarrhea, panting, elevated temperatures, seizures, heart attacks, kidney disease and even death in the extreme case.

Can cats eat Bread? Yes!

Although this human food falls into the category of those foods that are safe for cats, even healthy cats should be fed in moderation and with care. The nutrients in bread are only beneficial to you and not the cat. So, in as much as the cat would love it, it does not help them in any way.

Bread contains high amounts of sugar and salts. These are the perfect recipe for the development of obesity in your cat. A plump cat may look cute, but the suffering it undergoes from the inside can be unimaginable.

Can cats eat Tomatoes? Not Recommended

Not Really. Tomatoes fall into the category of the foods not recommended for cats. Cats will not eat raw green tomatoes, but some find the taste of red ripe ones quite interesting. However, you should note that some cats are allergic to tomatoes.

Tomatoes (including both plant and fruits) are toxic to both cats and dogs. The cherry fruits contain solanine, which is poisonous to cats. Even a small bite can lead to a severe gastrointestinal upset in your cat.

The effects experienced are manifested in different ways for different food groups in cats. If your neighbor’s cat occasionally nibbles on cherry tomatoes, it does not mean yours should too. The reactions to it may be different, but the bottom line is, tomatoes are toxic to cats.

Can cats eat Milk? Not Recommended

Milk is toxic for cats and it can cause them a stomach upset

Just like tomatoes, milk is not recommended for consumption by cats. Cats normally have a liking for milk. It would not be uncommon to spot your feline friend meowing around the table for the milk you are having.

Milk is not toxic to all cats though. It only upsets those overweight cats that are intolerant to lactose. When such cats drink milk, it causes stomach upsets and possible diarrhea. If your cat does not have this condition, then you are free to give him some milk.

Consult your vet first before you decide to feed your cat any of new foods with that milk. You can also add some cream to the milk to suppress the lactose presence.

Can cats eat Shrimp? Yes!


Oh yeah. If you are wondering, “ what human foods can my cats eat ?”, then here is one of the many human foods that cats can readily feed on. Cats love seafood, especially fish. It is, therefore, no wonder they adore this one.

Due to most cats” carnivorous nature, they would readily eat shrimp when offered. If it is given to them more often, they tend to prefer it to their nutritionally complete cat food. It should not reach that far though. A shrimp per week works just fine for the cat. It should not reach that far though. A shrimp per week works just fine for the cat.

Can cats eat Yogurt? In moderation!


Of course, they can, but in very moderate amounts. We, humans, love yogurt really much. We would ordinarily think that our feline friends would feel the same. Others have probably heard about how dairy products are harmful to cats.

The formulation of yogurt renders the effects of dairy products minimized. The lactose in cow milk is broken down into lactic acid during fermentation. Also, this makes it easy for the cat’s digestive system to digest it. The sugars remain unaffected in the milk.

Can cats eat Apples? Sure!

They are foods cats can eat. Apples fall into the category of those foods that cats can eat besides their normal cat food. Apples are rich in Vitamin C and fiber, making it perfect for cats. It is not only humans who enjoy their juiciness.

Make sure you peel the apple first. The peels can be a little tricky to chew and digest for cats. Your favorite seasonings should also be forgotten if you intend to feed it to your cat. The next time you enjoy one or two apples, throw your Kitty some to bite.

Can cats eat eggs? Yes!

This topic is still controversial though. The debate is between whether feeding your cat on raw eggs is okay or not. Raw eggs have a chance of transferring salmonella to your cat. For the cautious cat owners, feed the cat on cooked eggs.

Additionally, the eggs can be chopped, scrambled or hard-boiled. These are all recommended for your cat. Another area of concern is the egg whites. There is another debate on whether it is hard for upset stomach for the cat to digest it or not.

Since there is no general consensus, you should moderate the number of egg whites that you feed to your dog food cat on at a time. When provided with balanced nutrition and in the right quantities, eggs provide good protein and Vitamin B source.

Can cats eat Crackers? Not Recommended!

Crackers are known to be a choking hazard for cats

They will, but it is not recommended for them. Some are believed to contain fish, although there is none actually. Crackers are not very healthy for cats as they do not contain any useful nutrient in them unlike humans, except animal protein. There is absolutely no pressing reason to give it to your cat.

Additionally, the good flavor and healthy snack may tempt your cat into wanting it, but you have to be the adult here. Give him another occasional treat instead of the cracker. The flavors in crackers are also not healthy for cats.

Can cats eat Oranges? Nope!

Why on earth would a cat eat an orange or any citrus fruit anyway? You can try to imagine the face your baby has when she tastes oranges for the first time. This applies to cats too. The process of eating an orange is complex for the cat to figure out.

The essential oil in oranges requires glucagon to metabolize. Cats do not possess this capability though. The oils will, therefore, build up to toxic levels. Oranges do not possess any beneficial nutrients either.

Can cats eat Alcohol? Never!

Not by any chance. What possible explanation could you have to justify giving alcohol to your cat? I cannot find any. Alcohol affects how well our liver functions, imagine what it could do to a cat’s digestive tract.

Alcohol causes ethanol poisoning in cats. This is manifested in forms of drowsiness, loss of consciousness, lack of proper coordination and much more. However bad the situation is, never attempt to give alcohol to your cat.

Can cats eat Avocado? Never!

Attempt to give avocado to cats. Everyone is falling heads over heels for this savory fruit. The question is, should you give some to your cat? Not by any chance. Avocados contain persin which is toxic to some pet species, including cats.

Persin may be useful to humans as it has been found to kill cancerous cells, but it is not that friendly to cats. Do you want to kill your cat slowly? That would be really horrible. So, do not give any avocado to your adorable kitty.

Can cats eat Chicken bones? Nope!

Not by any chance. Chicken meat is a favorite among cats. But should you feed him the cooked bones too? Not really. Cooked chicken bones are a death trap for cats. When chicken bones are cooked, they become very brittle and splinter on impact with a cat’s teeth.

The splinters can get stuck in your cat’s throat or cause intestinal damage when swallowed. It is a really painful experience. I still remember when a fishbone got stuck in my throat when I was young. The cat would probably have a worse one.

Can cats eat Garlic? Nope!


Has garlic ever crossed your mind whenever you have been wondering, “ What human foods cats like to eat ?” Never attempt to give your cat any food containing garlic or onions. Your feline friend may show a lot of interest in your marinara sauce, but you should be able to repulse those advances however appealing they might be.

The kitty’s health becomes complicated with time as oxygen transport within the body becomes impeded. Even when buying high quality cat food now, check to see that onions are not part of the composition. Garlic can be toxic and it can break down your cat’s red blood cells.

Can cats eat Ham? Yes!

As obligate carnivores cats are meat eaters

Cats would comfortably eat ham when given. The key issue is the quantity and frequency of provision. Ham provides some proteins to your cat. She needs it as she is a carnivore. There is a warning though.

Moderate quantities are the perfect way to go. There is a saying that too much of something can be dangerous. Also, this applies to the case of Ham. The ham sold out there may contain lots of antibiotics and manufactured nutrients.

Can cats eat Peanut butter? In moderation!

In moderate quantities, yes. You can feed the cat on some peanut butter. The taste of peanut butter is very appealing to cats. Most vets recommend it for swallowing of pills. It is only the taste that is beneficial about peanut butter.

Apart from that, there is nothing in there that a feline buddy would need for survival. If your cat gives you that cute look as you top your bread, just give her a little bit. The paste may get stuck in her mouth making her look really adorable.

Can cats eat Spinach? Yes!

This delicious vegetable is totally cool for your cat. It is one of the sure human foods for your cat. This vegetable oozes with minerals and essential vitamins. It is rich in vitamins A, C as well as K.

Calcium together with iron minerals can also be found in spinach. So, if you want your Kitty to have these much-needed nutrients, then give them a healthy treat of spinach once in a while.

Can cats eat raw Chicken? Nope!

Never feed raw chicken to your cat. Raw chicken meat makes the cat used to eating chicken. This is bad news for you if you rear any chicks around or your neighbor has any.

To avoid unnecessary conflicts, avoid giving the raw chicken to your cat. Plus, the chicken bought from supermarkets also contains bacteria that is toxic to cats. The chicken has to be thoroughly boiled to eliminate any such risks.

Can cats eat Watermelon? Yes!

Yeah sure. Just as broccoli, watermelon is a great option to keep your cats from chewing on every house plant he finds in the house. The cat can digest it easily. The only job you have to do is remove all the seeds.

Furthermore, the seeds provide a challenge during digestion and can also choke the cat. Keep in mind that cats are carnivorous animals and plant matters are not really their thing. Watermelon should, therefore, be offered as a treat and only on occasions.

Last Updated on 14/02/2024 by Karen Snow

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