Cats are very popular animals and can be a great companion for human beings. However, they are mercurial creatures showing love one moment and scratching you in the next. Building positive relationship and understanding her behavior is how to get a cat to like you.
It is imperative to be affectionate with your new cat to deepen the friendship bond. Getting your cat to know takes a lot of patience and time. But there is no need to worry because the more you love your kitty, the more she will adore you.
You need constant interaction to strengthen the relationship with your kitty. At the same time, you will need to create a safe and healthy environment where she can grow properly.
5 Steps That Can Help Your Cat like You
Most cats are independent creatures by nature, but there are several steps you can take to strengthen your bond and make them like you even more. Spend quality time with your cat by engaging in interactive play sessions or simply sitting together while gently petting them.
Additionally, providing a comfortable and safe environment, along with a consistent routine, can help your cat feel secure and develop trust towards you. Earn your cat’s trust and make your cat happy by giving them plenty of love and attention.
Feral cats love their personal space and may not enjoy being handled or petted too much. It’s crucial to respect their boundaries and give them the space they need to feel comfortable. Let the cat know that you are there in case he wants more attention.
Prepare your pet’s spaces
This animal prefers to be alone for sleeping and playing. You can prepare a clean and comfortable space where she can relax. She demands a cozy bed with some warm blankets or towels on it. She should have plenty of space where playing can be fun. Prepare another space for her food dishes which will encourage eating in one place.
Proper and regular feeding
You need to give proper food to your kitty because your cat’s health relies on it. Consider feeding her at the same time everyday in order to develop a routine. You can feed her canned or dry food and have a bowl of fresh water available for her. Don’t feed her table scraps because it might upset her stomach.
Reward with treats
If your cat hesitates to come near you, place some treat in your palms and let her eat. It will make her trust you and she will start enjoying your company. Never feed her many treats because it can lead to unhealthy weight gain. You can prefer feeding her canned food instead.
Clean litter box regularly
This animal is extremely sensitive to cleanliness. You can keep her happy and healthy by cleaning the litter box daily. Unclean box may frighten your kitty sometimes. If you don’t have sufficient time to clean the box regularly, you may opt for the electronic ones. They are nice tools that automatically clear the litter and give you the peace of mind.
Promoting health
If your cat is healthy, she will be happy and vice versa. Always watch for any signs of sickness and visit your vet at least twice a year. This animal requires regular vaccination against deadly diseases like rabies and distemper. In the event of your cat not eating properly, check for any dental issues. If she is eating from only one side, check her canines properly.
Develop Positive Interactions With Your Feline Friend
It is one of the most important ways how to get a kitten to like you. Cats don’t like alone time and make sure that she is not alone for more than 4 hours. Otherwise, she will become fearful and develop a feeling of loneliness. You need to understand her body language so that she will get comfortable with you.
Some examples of her affectionate body language includes soft purring, licking, kneading with paws etc. Provide plenty of toys so that the kitty is physically and mentally stimulated at home. Rotate the toys on regular basis in order to overcome boredom. You will have to schedule regular playtime with your cat.
This animal is very active during dawn and dusk. So you need to schedule play sessions accordingly. The playtime should be of same duration every day. This will be something your kitten will be looking forward to each day. This will also help maintain the positive bonding between the both of you.
How To Read Your Cat’s Body Language?
Once your pet is comfortable in your presence, build a positive relationship with her. A feline friend associates with food and it is a very strong motivator. Feed her 3-5 short meals throughout the day. Stay in the room when she eats because it will strengthen the association.
Your pet should be properly neutered and sprayed. It will limit the population and is important if your cat is spending time outdoors. Contact a veterinary clinic to set up an appointment and get her neutered. Cats like humans talking to them in a non-threatening and calm tone.
Your behavior with cat should be gentle and kind. You should never yell or indulge in physical punishment as one of the methods to discipline you cat. It will never work and your pet will start avoiding you.
9 Telltale Signs that Cats Actually Loves You
Do you wonder whether you cat likes your or not? Cats express love through a number of ways. Some are obvious while some have hidden meaning beneath them. Here are some signs that can help you understand that your pet actually loves you:
If your pet brings you her kill, it is a sort of present for you
As pet parents , it is essential to acknowledge and appreciate this gesture. While it may not be something we particularly enjoy, it is a way for our pets to show their natural instincts and their desire to contribute to the family.
Adult cat language is very different from the language they use as kittens. As cats grow older, they develop a more complex vocalization system to communicate with humans and other cats. They may use different sounds, body postures, and even facial expressions to convey their needs and emotions.
Rolling over the back and flashing their fuzzy belly
As cat parents we need to understand and interpret these signals in order to effectively communicate with our feline companions. It is imperative to pay attention to their body language and respond accordingly, as this can help strengthen the bond between us and our pets.
Receiving a head butt from your cat
Your cat’s affection can be expressed through various behaviors, such as purring, rubbing against you, or even bringing you gifts. Understanding and reciprocating these gestures can deepen the bond between you and your cat.
Additionally, taking the time to learn their individual preferences and providing them with a comfortable and enriching environment can further enhance communication and strengthen your relationship.
Love bites and playful nibbles
A cat tree can provide a safe and stimulating space for your cat to climb, scratch, and play. It can also help redirect their energy and prevent them from engaging in destructive behaviors.
Direct eye contact is another crucial aspect of cat communication. While some cats may find direct eye contact comforting and a sign of trust, others may perceive it as a threat or challenge.
Lingering and following you everywhere
Not all cats enjoy being constantly followed or having their personal space invaded. Some cats prefer to have their alone time and may become stressed or anxious if they feel constantly watched or followed.
Every cat owner should respect their cat’s individual preferences and boundaries. It is essential to observe and understand your cat’s body expression and cues to ensure a positive and comfortable environment for them.
Kneading the master like a pizza dough
Most pet cats like to knead their owners as a sign of affection and contentment. This behavior is often accompanied by purring and can be quite soothing for both the cat and the owner. However, it’s important to be mindful of your cat’s claws during this process, as they can accidentally scratch or cause discomfort.
Many cats also enjoy being petted and stroked, but it’s important to pay attention to their actions and stop if they show signs of discomfort or agitation. Some cats may prefer gentle touches, while others may enjoy more vigorous petting.
Twitching the tips of their tail
A certified cat behavior consultant can provide guidance on how to properly pet and interact with cats to ensure their comfort and safety. It’s also worth noting that not all cats enjoy being petted, and it’s important to respect their boundaries and individual preferences.
Purring sound when she is happy
Adult cats are mysterious creatures that can be quite complex in their behaviors and preferences. It’s essential to observe and understand each cat’s unique personality to establish a positive and comfortable interaction.
Cat food is an important aspect of a cat’s overall health and well-being. It’s crucial to provide them with a balanced and nutritious diet that meets their specific dietary needs. Consulting with a veterinarian can help determine the best type of cat food for your furry friend, whether it’s dry kibble, wet food, or a combination of both.
Eye contact with a kitty kiss
Knowing what your pet does not like will help you understand how to get your cat to like you. Don’t pat your pet on her belly because she does not like it. Follow your cat’s lead and don’t force interactions with her especially when she is timid.
Cat love might seem tricky at first but it is important to make her understand that you love her. So instead of waiting any further, go show your pet how much you adore her. Bask in the love you get in return and this will help promote healthy relationship between both of you.
Last Updated on 14/02/2024 by Karen Snow

Hi! I’m Karen and a certified dog lover. As a freelance writer and blogger, I do my best to squeeze in some time with my dogs, learning more about the way they act and how I can make sure that they continue to stay well-cared for by yours truly.
My dogs have helped me through a lot, and this is my way of giving back to them! Besides animals, I also love to travel and cook, having explored my country’s restaurants and unique places. Follow me as I show you all the amazing tips and bits of information I learn along the way about our furry friends!