Prunes are one such food that has elicited a heated debate. Since these fruits ease constipation in us human creatures , then can dogs eat prunes to give them relief too? In this article, we are going to discuss this topic and come up with a way forward in regards to dogs and prunes.
The debate on the suitability of human foods for dogs is a conflicted one. The advocates argue that since our foods are safe for us, then why not for our dogs? The antagonists believe that not all human foods are safe for dogs.
Giving Prunes and Dog’s Constipation: Myth or Reality?
We humans occasionally turn to prunes for relief when our stomachs get backed up. This fruit helps in restoring regular bowel movements in us, so could it have the same effect in our dogs? After all, we are all mammals, right?
However much you may love your canine friend, not all remedies that work for you will be for your dog. Omnivores and carnivores require totally different nutritional needs. If you like fruits, your canine fiends do not necessarily have to like them as well.
Constipation is a common occurrence in dogs and can be caused by a number of reasons. It is characterized by infrequent defecation or straining during the process. The stool that passes is also harder or firmer than it would normally be.
When your dog is experiencing constipation, you are tempted to give her all sorts of concoctions to relieve her of the immense discomfort in the litter box. Prunes are at the top of this list. This is a one-off experience, so keep calm and never panic.
So, Can Dogs Eat Prunes?
Are prune bad for dogs? As carnivores, dogs do not actually fancy eating fruits. Most dogs would just ignore them. Some dogs are curious and canny though and would take a crack at anything you throw their way. Prunes are not recommended for dogs as the health benefits of of this fruit to humans do not apply to dogs.
There are no nutritional benefits that your dog would derive from eating prunes either. Feeding prunes to your dog(s) are like taking her through a pointless and time-wasting exercise. However, there are no documented adverse effects that this fruit has to dogs though.
There are a few documented occasions where dogs have fed on their owners’ prunes without experiencing any side effects. Dogs have also survived since time immemorial without having to rely on prunes. Wild dogs do not consume these fruits no matter how appealing they would be.
Can a dog eat dried plums?
Are dried prunes bad for small dogs? Yes, prunes whether dried or fresh contain too much fiber and sugar content. High fiber content is essential to humans, but not quite to dogs. In fact, too much of it causes diarrhea in your canine friend as they find it hard to digest the fruit. So instead of doing good, it will be worsening the condition your dog is in.
What about Prune Juice?
Now that the “can a dog eat prunes?” question has been answered, what about prune juice? Is it recommended? Just like prune pits the actual fruit, prune juice should never be given to your dog. The juice contains too much-concentrated sugars that are not healthy for dogs.
It could be the fruit juice, stewed prunes or pureed prunes. All have the same effect and should never be given to dogs. This is unless you want your dog to undergo various health complications in the future. No responsible dog owner in his right senses would want to see his dog suffer from any health-related complications.
Should Pet Owners Give Their Dog Prunes?
Is it toxic to dogs? The reason why most dog owners would give their pets prunes is to solve the constipation problem. However, with appropriate dog care initiative, it does not have to reach this point where feeding prunes to your dog is the only resort you have.
You have to keep watch on your dog’s diet at all times to avoid any complications. Any slight change in the dog’s behavior will be detected as soon as it occurs.
When you notice the symptoms of constipation such as difficulty in pooping, provide sufficient drinking water and canned food to restore the water levels in your your dog’s digestive tract during aid in bowel movements.
What Should You Do If Your Dog Eats Prunes?
If your dog accidentally eats prunes and starts to get an upset stomach, you should contact your veterinarian for further guidance. Too much sugar content can cause abdominal pain and digestive issues in dogs, so it’s important to monitor your dog’s symptoms. To avoid any further complications, a vet should treat cyanide poisoning or gastrointestinal blockage right away.
Can Dogs Eat Plums?
Giving your dog plums can potentially lead to digestive issues. Plums can be a choking hazard for dogs, especially if they are not properly pitted or sliced.
Avoid feeding your dog high-sugar content foods like prunes, as they can cause an upset stomach and even diarrhea. It is always best to consult with a vet immediately before introducing any new foods into your dog’s diet.
Can Your Dog Eat Plum Pits?
The pits of the fruit also contain cyanide, which will obviously poison your dog slowly. This would not be worth giving your dog in an effort to control constipation. Even the ASPCA stipulates that your dog should not be fed any part of the plant, including the leaves and stems, as they also contain cyanide.
If your dog ate a plum pit, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for guidance. They will be able to assess the situation and provide appropriate advice or treatment if necessary.
Pitted prunes may cause digestive issues such as diarrhea or stomach discomfort in dogs. You can safely feed a single prune without the prune pits to your dog within its dietary fiber as long as it does not have any added sugar content.
Make the Wise Decision for Your Dog
Generally, prunes are NOT RECOMMENDED for dogs. They add no value to a dog’s nutritional and dietary needs. However beneficial prunes may be to humans, the same does not apply to dogs. The key is to keep your dog hydrated. Ensure that her water dish is always full and give her wet food at all times.
Closely monitor your dog’s digestive system, as you give her quality dog food and the “can dogs eat prunes” question will be the least of your worries. Read other fruits dogs can eat that contain natural sugars and won’t cause your dog a stomach upset.
Last Updated on 14/01/2024 by Karen Snow

Hi! I’m Karen and a certified dog lover. As a freelance writer and blogger, I do my best to squeeze in some time with my dogs, learning more about the way they act and how I can make sure that they continue to stay well-cared for by yours truly.
My dogs have helped me through a lot, and this is my way of giving back to them! Besides animals, I also love to travel and cook, having explored my country’s restaurants and unique places. Follow me as I show you all the amazing tips and bits of information I learn along the way about our furry friends!