Home Remedies for Cat Constipation: Treating Constipation in Natural Way

Cat constipation is a common thing among pet animals. However, it can turn into a serious illness if not properly treated. Generally, the main reason for constipation in the feline is commercial dry pet food and hairballs. When your pet is suffering from this disease, you will find that they are not going to the bathroom frequently.

He/she might not be using the litter box as they normally do. While this issue is not life threatening but is painful for cats. Luckily, there are home remedies for cat constipation available to treat this particular health problem. The home remedies are better than feeding pills because the former involves natural techniques and without any side effects.

The cat constipation is a very common and uncomfortable medical condition that you can easily treat at home. In the rarest of rare case, the home remedies will not work. At that point of time, you will need the assistance of a vet.

There is special breed of cats that are more susceptible to constipation as compared to other breeds. As an owner, it is imperative that you have proper knowledge before you opt for the home remedies. Cat constipation cure is what will focus on this particular content and help your pet get rid of this medical condition.

Common Symptoms & Causes for Cat Constipation

Symptoms why there is a cat constipated

Many symptoms suggest that your pet animal is suffering from constipation. It includes vomiting, straining in the litter box, dry dull coat, and fatigue. There may be physical changes in your cat’s demeanor and her bowel movement.

Chronic constipation of your feline friend

Your cat might be straining while using the litter box. Additionally, the feces will appear hard and dry. Loss of appetite is another common symptom of constipation.  If you do not attend this medical issue, then it develops into a Mega Colon. The colon inside the body stretches like a rubber band.

The feces get stuck in the intestine and not able to pass out from the body. The colon stops working and soaks up all the water in the cat’s body. As a result, s/he will start feeling dehydrated and experience pain during bowel movement.

Mild constipation due to intestinal blockage

Several things can cause constipation in cats. It can be due to the low fiber content of the diet. In addition, if the cat does not drink plenty of water, their body will get dehydrated and cause this medical condition.

Over the counter laxatives should be used with caution in cats, as they can have adverse effects. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment options, as they may suggest dietary changes or prescribe medications specifically tailored to the cat’s needs.

Fiber-rich foods can help promote regular bowel movements in cats. Adding foods such as pumpkin or psyllium husk to their diet can increase their fiber intake and alleviate constipation.

Chronic kidney disease

There are certain drugs like antibiotics and antihistamines that can develop cat constipation. Cats generally shed a lot of hair. Many times, cats swallow the hairball that causes obstruction in the colon. Sometimes metabolic issues including kidney failure and low potassium in the body can lead to this health complication.

Intestinal inflammation

Constipated cats lack of bowel movements and can experience discomfort and pain. This can be caused by various factors such as dietary changes, dehydration, or underlying health conditions. It is important to address constipation in cats promptly to prevent further complications and promote their overall well-being.

Cat poop tends to accumulate in the colon when constipation occurs, leading to the formation of hard and dry stools. This can put pressure on the intestinal walls and cause inflammation, making it even more difficult for cats to pass stools.

If left untreated, chronic constipation can lead to serious complications such as mega colon, a condition where the colon becomes abnormally enlarged and loses its ability to contract effectively. Wet food can improve your cats constipation by adding moisture to their diet, making it easier for stools to pass through the colon.

Issues with the digestive tract

To promote normal movement in the digestive tract, you need to maintain a healthy diet that is rich in fiber, as it helps to regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day can also aid in keeping the digestive system functioning properly.

Most cats lack of water intake can lead to dehydration, which can further contribute to digestive issues. It is important to ensure that your cat has access to fresh water at all times and to consider incorporating wet food into their diet, as it contains a higher water content than dry food.

Long-term management of a cat’s digestive health may also involve regular veterinary check-ups and, potentially, the use of probiotics or other supplements recommended by a veterinarian.

Other chronic diseases

Underlying health issues can also be causing your cat’s constipation. These health issues may include kidney disease, diabetes, or thyroid problems. The underlying cause of constipation in cats lies in the inability of the digestive system to properly process and eliminate waste. A high-fiber diet can help promote bowel movements and prevent constipation in cats.

Always Check The litter boxes

Cats with constipation will release dry feces that may be difficult and painful to pass. This can lead to discomfort and potential health issues for the cat. It is important to monitor their litter box habits and provide them with a balanced diet and plenty of water to help prevent constipation.

Cat fluids would need to be monitored as well to ensure that they are adequately hydrated. In severe cases of constipation, it may be necessary to consult a veterinarian for further treatment options or dietary adjustments.

Diet: An Important Home Remedy To Treat Cat Constipation

Use soluble fiber for elderly cats with constipation

Many pet owners become worried when their cat is not having healthy bowel movements. If you are one of those people and wondering what can I give my cat for constipation, you are at best place. One of the best home remedies for a constipated cat is feeding a balanced diet to your pet.

Try to give your feline raw food instead of the processed or canned food available in the market. For the time being, avoid feeding him/her any type of dry food because it contains very little amount of moisture.

Add one tablespoon of olive oil to the food you serve to the cat for the next ten days or so. This will remove the obstruction in the colon. At the same time, it will keep the furs glossy.

Fiber is another important ingredient that you need to provide in the daily diet of your cat. Try adding one teaspoon of wheat bran or canned pumpkin to the food. It will provide the additional amount of fiber to the body and help to soften the stool.

You can achieve similar results by providing green oats and psyllium husk as they will balance the stool consistency. It is important that your pet animal is drinking plenty of water. Ensure that the cat is having access to fresh drinking water and change it after every four to six hours.

You may give your feline bottled or filtered water if s/he does not like the tasted or fluorinated or chlorinated water. If your cat is not drinking water, add fluids over the food. It might not sound appetizing to the cat but will serve the purpose.

Treating Constipation Problems in Cats with Natural Herbs

Herbs are one of the most commonly used home techniques for a constipated cat. It can help clean the bowel to a great deal and cure this medical illness naturally. You can make yourself tisane of wild chicory and give your cat one tablespoon of it twice a day.

In addition to this, take a pinch of plantain seeds and sprinkle it into the water and allow your cat to drink it three times a day. Alternatively, you may give one tablespoon of walnut leave tisane made from fennel shoots to your pet thrice a day.

You may chop the shoots of fennel and feed them raw to your feline. Another great herb remedy includes dry figs with honey coating and feeds them to your pet in the form of a pill. These effective remedies involving herbs can help a great deal in curing constipation problem in cats.

Metamucil is a dietary supplement of humans that works great for cats suffering from constipation. If you are wondering what can I give my cat for constipation, feed them Metamucil. It has psyllium husk that stimulates the digestive organs and helps your cat to excrete properly.

Mix Metamucil with 1 tablespoon of canned food and serve it to your cat at each feeding twice a day. Do not forget to provide ample supply of water as it will help pass the Metamucil. If all these things fail, then opt for Laxatone that is a bowel stimulant for the cat.

It is available through vet prescription and it will succeed. This supplement tastes like tuna and you should feed your cat when her stomach is empty. Continue this activity for one week and the result will be in front of you.

Make Changes in Lifestyle & Improve Hygiene to Cure Cat Constipation

Cats are generally indoor animals and they prefer staying within the reach of the house. So, if your cat is spending most of the time indoor, try to be hygienic. You can achieve the same through cleaning the litter box at regular intervals of time.

Feline are extremely clean creatures and a dirty litter box discourages them from using it. If your cat is suffering from constipation, make it a point that the litter box is clean and tidy at all times. In addition to this, you will have to make changes in the lifestyles of your pet animal.

They need proper exercise so that their body is in proper shape. This works as one of the best home remedies for a constipated cat as it stimulates food digestion. If your cat is not very active, encourage him/her with some exciting cat games.


The aforementioned remedies for a constipated cat will work in most of the cases. It will remove colon obstruction and initiate bowel movements. It is important to note that this is a recurring health condition and it may occur in future.

Therefore, it is important to feed high fiber diet and allow your pet to drink plenty of water. Take proper care of the cat and watch them carefully after an initial incidence of constipation. At any point of time, if the do not work, it is important to visit the vet for proper treatment. Medical intervention is always better than the other remedies because they are likely to work without any signs of failure.

Last Updated on 15/12/2023 by Karen Snow