How to Calm Down A Hyper Cat? [5 Effective Methods]

I get it, your cat is acting up, and you have no clue what to do. This post explains everything you need to know on how to calm down a hyper cat.

Cats like to do their own thing around the house. Although hyperactivity can be frustrating for cat owners, it’s important to remember that it is a natural behavior for cats.

Sometimes it is hard for cat owners to differentiate bad behaviors, like hyperactivity, from normal cat behavior.

Cats are naturally active and playful, which is why it can be hard to tell when your cat’s behavior has crossed the line into hyperactivity.

However, there are a few signs to look out for that can help you determine if it is your cat’s normal life or something more serious.

You will also learn a few techniques to help you reduce stress on your cats and to also help you calm your hyper cat.

5 Best Ways to Calm Down A Hyperactive Cat

Although, for the most part, cats are gentle, sweet creatures, there are many instances when cats can start to show signs of aggression.

Hissing, biting, and clawing are all common signs of an aggressive cat and not something you want to be experiencing in your home. However, most pet owners don’t understand the reasons behind this aggression and struggle to improve the situation.

Give your cat a safe place to be undisturbed, stop signs of aggression between other cats in the home early and make your cats feel secure in their home, and they’ll be back to their sweet kitten-like ways in no time.

#1 Give Your Cat A Safe Place (Indoor and Outdoor)

Cats are often considered solitary creatures, but they can be quite social. However, sometimes their aggression toward others is a cry for help.

Your pet may be feeling stressed out or scared, so providing them with a safe place to relax uninterrupted could be beneficial.

If a dog or child in the home is causing your cat stress, consider building a high-up shelf for your cat to hide on or a room that is shut off to the other family members.

This will create a quiet, safe space for your cat to calm down. Get a nice cat litter box to put in the kitty’s new place so that they have a comfy and private spot to rest. More so if your cat is going to need different interactive toys all around the house.

Something else to consider is an automatic cat feeder to help you serve the cat food on auto-pilot. These devices have a built-in camera that allows you to monitor your feline friend while you’re away.

#2 Check for hyperthyroid issues with professional help

If your cat is usually calm but suddenly becomes aggressive, take them to the vet as soon as possible. Sudden behavioral changes can often be an indicator of an underlying health condition.

When a cat’s bad behavior is related to a health problem, it typically has to do with an overactive thyroid gland. This gland regulates the feline’s energy levels.

The three most common treatment options for hyperthyroidism in cats are medication with Methimazole, radioactive iodine therapy, and surgery to remove the thyroid gland. Furthermore, the surgical removal process of the thyroid gland is actually known as a thyroidectomy.

Every cat owner should get insurance for their cat with a company like Pressure to keep both you and your pet protected. The sooner problems like this are found, the quicker they can get the help they need and begin to lower their energy levels down again.

#3 Don’t Leave Your Hyper Pet Alone With Small Children

Small children and cats should never be left alone together. Young kids do not always understand how to treat animals, and even the most gentle and loving pet may lash out if they are being grabbed or hit, even if the child does not mean to cause harm.

Cats rarely understand that children are just learning and are not tolerant of a pulled patch of fur or an accidental step on the tail. To keep both your children and your cat safe, keep them in different spaces unless closely supervised.

A suddenly increased hyperactivity in your cat can also be a sign of illness. Seek professional help if your cat is overly hyper at unusual times, like at night or in the morning. Pay close attention to their body language to see if they are hyper active all the time.

#4 Don’t Yell At Your Hyper Kitten

Animals can be easily startled by loud noises. Although humans commonly yell to discipline a child or alert someone to a situation, this can be extremely stressful for a cat.

Make sure to bond with your pet and reassure them that you are there to look after it and be a friend. Try not to yell at your pets. Instead, speak calmly and softly. This will reduce startled or scared reactions like scratching or biting.

If you own more than one unneutered or unspayed cat, there is a significant chance they will become adversarial with one another.

Feline hyperactivity can be exhibited in them trying to bite and scratch one another, so it’s important that your pet cats get spayed or neutered as soon as possible.

Cats often show aggression through eye contact, so if you see the signs of a catfight emerging, keep a piece of cardboard or a spray bottle nearby to break eye contact between your other pets.

This should reduce aggression and calm both animals, meaning fewer fights in your home. Understanding your cat’s needs and the underlying causes of aggression in your household pets is a surefire way of helping to reduce aggression.

#5 Plan Meal Times and Play Sessions

Unlike dogs, you can calm a hyper cat by talking to it via automatic cat feeders when they have excess energy. Cats love to eat, that is why it is so essential that you can give them a big meal when they are hyperactive.

You can also plan regular play sessions with your cat to help drain their excess energy. Try using interactive toys like a scratching post or a laser pointer to get them moving.

Although playing with a laser pointer can be fun, it may also lead to other behavioral disorders like shadow chasing. Along with feeding and playing, you also need to make sure that your kitty has an outdoor enclosure to explore.

Cats also need some time to be outside and run around in the sunshine. They will fall asleep faster at night if they have had a chance to get their energy out during the day.

Why is my cat extremely hyper?

A hyperactive cat can exhibit all kinds of nervous behaviors. Running from one side of the house to the other, jumping between furniture, chasing humans and other animals that live with him, attracting attention through meows and strokes, and even compulsive licking.

The vast majority of cats usually exhibit this type of hyperactivity as a measure to relieve their boredom or to release pent-up energy. When cats spend too much time alone at home or after a long period of rest, the animal needs to move and may do so in a frantic manner.

It may seem strange to you that your cat goes from being pleasantly asleep to running and jumping all over the house. This is quite normal in puppies, but there are adult cats that do it more or less frequently.

At what age does a hyper crazy cat calm down?

The answer to this question varies depending on your cat’s characteristics and breed. Most kittens need mental stimulation and toys to play with and burn off the energy that keeps them hyperactive.

As your cat ages, it may be more difficult to keep him from becoming hyperactive. Space Cats often suffer from anxiety and insecurity, making them hyperactive.

However, if you wonder at what age cats calm down, it will probably be from this moment on, around their third year of life, that you will perceive a more stable behavior, with rather macadamized characteristics that reveal their personality.


You could expect your kittens to be up and about during nighttime as they are nocturnal animals. However, if your cat wakes up just like a peaceful slumber and then starts exhibiting unusual levels of hyperactivity, it may be a sign of illness.

A few signs that your kitty is stressed are inappropriate urination and unusual weight loss. Rescue cats and kittens often have a more difficult time adjusting to a new home and may exhibit hyperactivity and other disruptive behaviors.

If these behaviors come on suddenly, take them to the vet, but otherwise, take steps to make your cat feel safe and loved at home, and they’ll be back to their sweet, loving selves in no time.

We recommend closing your bedroom door and getting scratching posts to keep your cat occupied when they’re feeling extra energetic. They might run at high speed around the house for a while, but with regular play and meal times, you can help keep them happy. Good luck!

Last Updated on 16/03/2025 by Karen Snow

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