Furminator For Husky – Is It Bad To Use It On Your Husky’s Coat?

Using a furminator for husky dog breed grooming is a contentious topic. There are those who feel that it should not be used since it cuts the guard coat hairs. However, there are those who have also used it for a considerable amount of time, and their dogs are just fine.

Is a furminator safe for your dog? How should it be used without interfering with the dog’s defense against the cold? Using a dog brush specifically designed for huskies, such as a slicker brush or an undercoat rake, may be a safer option.

These brushes can help remove loose hair and prevent matting without damaging the guard coat. Additionally, regular grooming sessions that include thorough brushing and proper coat maintenance can help keep your husky’s undercoat healthy and well-insulated during the colder months.

What exactly is a furminator for a Siberian husky?

Use a furminator to remove any loose hair from your Husky and Deshedding tool for topcoat medium hair

The name is a little creepy, but it does just that. A furminator is a grooming device for your husky. It helps to thin out your buddy’s hair by exterminating all the dead hair present on them. This device has gained popularity over the past within the Husky dog breeds.

These pups have double coats and shed often all year round. Mini Huskies and Siberian Huskies and other furry dog breeds really need a furminator to reduce their shedding by close to 90%.

Eliminating shedding completely in your husky is not possible, but you can control the magnitude of shedding by using a furminator, rather than combing it out.

How does a furminator de-shedding tool work?

A furminator brush for husky is a dog hair brush with an undercoat rake fused to an ergonomic handle. Unlike other dog brushes, a furminator is very effective at penetrating deeper into the recesses of the husky’s coat, loosening the huge chunks of dead hair.

The furminator is not motorized; it just acts like a really top-notch brush. It disentangles the clumped-up hair on your husky. All that hair needs to be vacuumed regularly by husky owners to prevent it from accumulating in their homes.

Additionally, the furminator’s design helps to minimize any discomfort or pulling on the husky’s undercoat, making it a more pleasant grooming experience for both the dog and the owner. You can purchase a good brush from your local pet supplies like Petsmart or Petco.

What’s the Best Deshedding Tool For Huskies?

Kong zoom Groom Deshedding Tool

by: Kong zoom 9,708++ Reviews

The Kong Zoom Groom Brush can naturally clean off any loose hair during brushing, making it an excellent tool for Husky dog owners. Additionally, its ergonomic design ensures a firm grip, allowing for extended grooming sessions without causing hand fatigue.

It features a perfect grip that fits comfortably in your hand, which makes it easy to maneuver and reach all areas of your husky’s undercoat. The brush’s gentle yet effective bristles help stimulate your Husky’s undercoat and promote constant blood circulation, resulting in a shiny and lustrous coat.

This product works great for both short and long-haired Huskies, constantly eliminating loose hair. The Furminator for Siberian Husky is also equipped with a convenient hair ejector button, which makes it easy to clean and maintain the brush after use.

It provides a better experience without having your dog go through an uncomfortable and painful grooming session. The ergonomic design of the brush ensures that both you and your husky are happy during the grooming procedure.

Why you should be careful when furminating your husky’s coat?

Grooming your husky buddy is no walk in the park. You should be well aware of the presence of a double coat. This includes a softer fine insulating undercoat that keeps him warm during winter. Then there is another weatherproof coat that consists of guard hairs which grow right through the undercoat.

The undercoat should never at any time be allowed to become entangled in a mess. When it does, the insulating ability is lost, and the dog can get very cold. The outer coat is waterproof and keeps the husky’s body dry when in the snow and rain.

Additionally, this dog breed has its roots in such conditions, do you remember that? Clipping or shaving the hair of snow dogs is not allowed. Shaving off the long hair exposes the dog to UV rays and extreme heat from the sun as the air pockets are eliminated.

During the shedding season, the thick undercoat is slowly released, giving you the owner a real headache on how to deal with it. If not well handled, it sticks on soft surfaces like furniture. When doing the furminating, be careful not to distort the balance between the undercoat and the outer coat.

Is it bad to use a Furminator on your Husky?

Removing fur from a white husky is not necessarily bad, but it should be done with caution. The furminator can be effective in removing loose fur and reducing shedding, but excessive use or aggressive brushing can damage the husky’s double coat. It is crucial to use the furminator gently and in moderation to maintain the health and integrity of their fur.

Different Types of Dog Brushes and Grooming Tools

Wash and massage your muddy Husky without hurting him

You can use a grooming tool to shave off some of that unwanted hair. This will help you achieve a cleaner and more polished look. Additionally, using a grooming tool can also help prevent ingrown hairs and irritation on your pup’s fur. Here are some other tools to consider:

Furminator brush

A furminator deshedding tool looks like the regular brush that you typically use on your own hair, but it is specifically designed to take out any loose hair and reduce shedding in pets. The furminator comb has a unique design with sharp teeth that reach deep into the pet’s coat to brush off any loose hairs, helping to keep your pet’s undercoat free from mats.

Slicker Brush

Slicker brushes are typically used to brush coarse hair found in double-coated dog breeds such as Golden Retrievers or German Shepherds. These brushes have short wires close together that effectively take off loose hair and mats from the topcoat without irritating the skin.

Undercoat Rake

Undercoat rakes can remove fur, not just from the top coat, but also from the undercoat of your pet. They are designed with specialized teeth that can reach deep into the undercoat to eliminate unwanted hair, helping to prevent tangles.

This tool helps when it comes to eliminating dirt and debris that may be trapped in the undercoat, promoting a healthier and cleaner coat for your pet. Additionally, undercoat rakes can also stimulate blood circulation and distribute natural body oils, resulting in shinier and more lustrous fur.

Bristle brush

Bristle brushes are known to be the best brushes to brush dead fur and tangles out of your pet’s coat. The stiff bristles effectively stimulate the skin, promoting a healthy and shiny coat. Additionally, bristle brushes are gentle on your pet’s skin, making them suitable for dogs with sensitive skin or those prone to irritation.

Bristles will also work on cats, as they can help prevent matting. However, it’s important to choose a bristle brush specifically designed for cats, as their coats are typically more delicate than those of dogs. Look for a brush with softer bristles to ensure a decent grooming experience for your cat.

Deshedding tool

A desA deshedding tool is used for removing matted fur and reducing shedding in dogs. It is designed with special teeth or blades that can reach deep into the pet’s coat. Regular use of a deshedding tool can help keep your pet’s coat healthy and minimize the amount of fur that ends up on your furniture and clothes.


Groomers are essential for keeping dogs clean and well-groomed. They provide a range of services, such as brushing, and trimming fur, as well as nail clipping and ear cleaning. Groomers not only enhance the appearance of dogs but also contribute to their overall health and well-being by detecting any skin issues or abnormalities that may require veterinary attention.

Tips On Using a Furminator For Huskies

Huskies are a gentle breed, even though they look intimidating with their thick fur and striking appearance. However, their double coat requires regular grooming to keep it tangle-free.

The furminator is a popular tool among husky owners for effectively removing loose hair and reducing shedding. Using a furminator correctly will reduce the matting during the bath and make the grooming process much easier. Here are some recommend tips:

  • The husky’s coat should be dry with no mats and tangles.
  • Brush from the head to tail, in long strokes.
  • Avoid brushing over cuts.
  • Never put too much pressure on the furminator or comb. It has enough penetrative power of its own.
  • Remember to furminate the ears and tail too, though with caution
  • Do not forget the legs and tummy.
  • Use an oatmeal shampoo to bathe your dog’s coat.
  • You can blow dry your Husky with caution.

Any precautions when removing dead hair from a Husky?

Just as with any sharp tools, you have to be cautious not to harm your dog. This tool can also be very abrasive on the skin. Use it only up to 2 times in a week.

When at it, do not repeatedly pull it over the same patch of hair or skin. A single Passover stroke will just be fine. Do not forget to brush your dog once in a while to prevent the formation of tangles and mats.

Can you remove loose hair from your dog’s coat?

Long-haired dogs will have tons of loose hair that can easily get tangled and matted if not properly maintained. Regular brushing and grooming sessions are essential to remove loose hair, preventing it from becoming a nuisance or causing discomfort to your furry friend.

Once your pup is brushed, the next step would be bathing them to further eliminate any remaining loose hair and keep their coat clean. Regular bathing helps to wash away excess hair and debris, promoting a shiny and tangle-free coat.

How to Groom Your Husky Puppy?

Are you thinking of getting a slicker brush for husky? Having second thoughts? Well go on and buy one. This grooming tool is pretty good at getting out the dead hairs on your husky that would otherwise find themselves on your furniture.

Start by lightly brushing your husky’s coat to clean any tangles or mats. Then, use the slicker brush in gentle, long strokes to remove loose hairs from the undercoat. Also, be patient and reward your puppy with treats and praise throughout the grooming process.

Bathing huskies should be a smooth and comfortable experience for both you and your puppy. Make sure to use a gentle shampoo specifically formulated for dogs to avoid any skin irritations.

Shampoos that have alcohol or other artificial ingredients will remove the natural oils of your dog’s coat and may cause dryness and irritation. It’s important to brush your husky’s coat regularly to prevent tangles, especially during shedding seasons.

During cold weather you want to make sure to dry your husky thoroughly after bathing to prevent them from getting cold. Additionally, consider using a blow dryer on a low heat setting to speed up the drying process and keep your husky comfortable.

This husky dog care should be carefully done, as his double coat is kind of hard to groom. Any mishap could leave him cold or exposed to UV rays. Care is mandatory.

Last Updated on 15/01/2024 by Karen Snow